Virgilia D’Andrea: Anima rossa / Red soul

“I had one of those precocious, agitated, stormy adolescences that are full of dreams and illusions that become tears and songs at the merest sound, that speak in the voices of the dark and in fantastic moonlit nights, that give life and eyes to all dead things, that hear words and whispers rise from every…Read more Virgilia D’Andrea: Anima rossa / Red soul

25 Aprile: Alfonso Gatto & Lorenzo Viale

Today’s post includes one poem and two letters, the first by a poet who fought and lived to see Italy free from fascism, the second by a young man who fought and died for us to have it… #Lestweforget (although, at times, I believe we have forgotten): 25 Aprile   Alfonso Gatto   La chiusa…Read more 25 Aprile: Alfonso Gatto & Lorenzo Viale

Piero Calamandrei: Contro ogni ritorno / Against any return

April 25 is almost here...#lestweforget CONTRO OGNI RITORNO                               Piero Calamandrei     Inermi borgate dell’alpeasilo di rifugiatiprese d’assalto coi lanciafiammearsi vivi nel rogo dei casalii bambini avvinghiati alle madrifosse notturne scavatedagli assassini in fugaper nascondervi stragi di trucidati innocentiquesto vi riuscì.S. Terenzio Bergiola Zeri VincaForno Mommio Traverde S. Anna S. Leonardoscrivete questi nomison…Read more Piero Calamandrei: Contro ogni ritorno / Against any return

Liliana Segre: Giorno della memoria /Holocaust remembrance day 2024

"Cultivating Memory is still today a precious vaccine against indifference, and it helps to remember, in this world so full of injustice and suffering, that each and every one of us has a conscience and can use it." -Liliana Segre LILIANA SEGRE:TEMO DI VIVERE ABBASTANZA PER VEDERE COSE CHE PENSAVO LA STORIA AVESSE DEFINITIVAMENTE BOCCIATO,…Read more Liliana Segre: Giorno della memoria /Holocaust remembrance day 2024

"Fascism is not an opinion: it’s a crime.”- Sandro Pertini

Liberation Day, #25aprile: Ungaretti, Pertini, Spagnolli, Lussu, Biagi, Sciascia, Fallaci, Calamandrei, Ginzburg, Fenoglio, Bobbio, Bocca.

“Fascism is not an opinion: it’s a crime.”- Sandro Pertini On April 25, 1945, the Allied troops liberated Italy from the Nazi occupation and fascism. After September 1943, partisan Resistance groups were active throughout northern and much of central Italy. They were most active in summer in the hills and mountains, but also in many…Read more Liberation Day, #25aprile: Ungaretti, Pertini, Spagnolli, Lussu, Biagi, Sciascia, Fallaci, Calamandrei, Ginzburg, Fenoglio, Bobbio, Bocca.

La violenza non è forza ma debolezza, né mai può essere creatrice di cosa alcuna, ma soltanto distruggerla” Benedetto Croce

Benedetto Croce: diario/ diary, December 2, 1944

"Violence is never strength but weakness, nor can it ever create anything, but only destroy it."   "When the German radio announced he was free and would return to politics, I was indifferent, because, for me, he was like a rag doll, which has lost the sawdust used to stuff it and just hangs there,…Read more Benedetto Croce: diario/ diary, December 2, 1944

Giorgio Bassani: Le leggi razziali/ Racial laws

Le leggi razziali Giorgio Bassani La magnolia che sta giusto nel mezzo del giardino di casa nostra a Ferrara è proprio lei la stessa che ritorna in pressoché tutti i miei libri. La piantammo nel ‘39 pochi mesi dopo la promulgazione delle leggi razziali con cerimonia che riuscì a metà solenne e a metà comica…Read more Giorgio Bassani: Le leggi razziali/ Racial laws