On fascism: Pertini, Bobbio, Bassani, Calvino, Pasolini, Gramsci, Calamandrei…

"The twenty years of fascism was not, as some unmindful wretch would like to think, twenty years of order and national greatness: it was twenty years of disgraceful illegality, humiliation, moral corrosion, daily suffocation, silent and subterranean moral disgregation." - Piero Calamandrei Sandro Pertini Il fascismo per me non può essere considerato una fede politica.…Read more On fascism: Pertini, Bobbio, Bassani, Calvino, Pasolini, Gramsci, Calamandrei…

Ciant da li ciampanis/ Chant of the church bells by Pier Paolo Pasolini

Ciant da li ciampanis Pier Paolo Pasolini Co la sera a si pièrt ta li fontanis il me país al è colòur smarít. Jo i soi lontàn, recuardi li so ranis, la luna, il trist tintinulà dai gris. A bat Rosari, pai pras al si scunís: jo i soj muàrt al ciant da li ciampanis.…Read more Ciant da li ciampanis/ Chant of the church bells by Pier Paolo Pasolini

The most beautiful opening paragraphs

  E’ l’anniversario di una settimana straziante. Un anno fa, di questi giorni, sono stato sul punto di compiere quel gesto che inconsciamente mi si riproduce nell’immaginazione quando penso al mio peccato – il gesto della mia mano che si alza armata contro di me. Mi rivedo disteso sul letto col viso rivolto al muro…ogni…Read more The most beautiful opening paragraphs

#25aprile: La luce e la resistenza/Light and resistance by Pier Paolo Pasolini

On April 25, 1945, the Allied troops liberated Italy from the Nazi occupation and Benito Mussolini's rule.After September 1943, partisan Resistance groups were active throughout northern and much of central Italy. They were most active in summer in the hills and mountains, but also in many cities. Supported by many civilians who opposed the fascist…Read more #25aprile: La luce e la resistenza/Light and resistance by Pier Paolo Pasolini