Nanni Balestrini: poem from Corpi in moto e corpi in equilibrio (1957-59) I. Avremmo potuto farne a meno


da Corpi in moto e corpi in equilibrio


Nanni Balestrini

Avremmo potuto farne a meno
gli alberi fanno troppo rumore,
ma cosa ci stanno a fare

i cavalli, ciascuno per suo conto
avremmo finito per perderci,
fare ritorno, fare

tutto quello che vuoi, certe
volte gli alberi riescono
a crescere in direzione del cielo

aspirando l’esplosione dell’istante
inatteso, aspettando che finisca
di piovere, ispirati dall’istinto

correndo da una parte all’altra
ispidi, istigati dall’isteria,
il cuore pieno di bottoni,

le dita immerse, anguiformi,
com’erano belle dalla barca,
soffiamoci sopra, fine.

from Bodies in motion and bodies in equilibrium


Nanni Balestrini

We could have made do without
the trees make too much noise,
but what are the horses doing

here, alone each one on his own
we would have wound up getting lost,
making it back, doing

whatever you want to, some
times trees succeed in
stretching towards the sky

aspirating the explosion of the instant
unforeseen, waiting for the rain
to finish, inspired by instinct

running from place to place
hispid, instigated by hysteria,
the heart filled with buttons,

the fingers immersed, serpent-like,
how striking they seemed from the ship,
it’s best we blow, the end.

Translation ©Matilda Colarossi 2019

Nanni Balestrini (2 July 1935 – 20 May 2019) was an Italian experimental poet, author and visual artist of the Neoavanguardia movement. The poem is from the collection: Tutto in una volta, antologia 1954-2003, Edizioni del Leone 2003;

A link to his work:

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