La mia casa è così piccola

Soumaïla Diawara


La mia casa è così piccola
che oltre a me
potrà contenere solo il tuo oro,
il tuo diamante,
le tue banane
ed il tuo caffè.
Oltre che al tuo gas per i miei riscaldamenti.
Ed il tuo petrolio per la mia macchina,
ma non c’è più nemmeno un buco per te…

(Disse l’Europa all’Africa)

My house is so small

Soumaïla Diawara


My house is so small
that besides me
it can only hold your gold
your diamonds,
your bananas
and your coffee.
And of course your gas for my heating.
And your petrol for my car,
but there is not even a tiny hole there for you…

(Said Europe to Africa)

Translation © Matilda Colarossi


In un domani, molto prossimo,
come vi tratterranno coloro
che schiacciate, rifiutate,
disonorate e disprezzate?
Nel futuro, come si comporteranno
i figli di coloro che avete represso
con voi, i vostri figli?
Come reagiranno i figli, le mogli,
i discendenti di coloro
che avete lasciato morire nel mare
con i vostri discendenti?
Non è l’oggi il discorso ma il domani.
Cosa succederà tra i vostri figli
ed i figli di quelli che avete
lasciato morire di fame?
Avete creato un mondo di barriere,
avete inventato la nazione ed il cannone,
ma non avete inventato l’uomo.
L’uomo ricorda.
Un mondo sicuro lo è per tutti
o per nessuno.
Non comprendo perché condannate
i vostri figli ad una vita di esilio.
Anche se in casa propria.
Giriamo in piazze zeppe di militari,
ansiosi ed angosciati dai rischi di attentati,
il mondo diventa sempre più violento
i confini si restringono sempre di più.
Non vedete che la politica dell’economia
porta a distruzione
e compromette la felicità
di coloro che amiamo?
Cosa ne sarà dei vostri figli
in mezzo a figli menomati?



One day, not very far from now,
how will you be treated by those
you crush, reject,
dishonour, and despise today?
In the future, how will the children
of those you have repressed treat
you, and your children?
How will the children, the wives,
the descendants of those
you left to die at sea
treat your descendants?
It is not today that matters but tomorrow.
What will happen tomorrow between your children
and the children of those you have
left to die of hunger?
You have created a world of barriers,
you have invented the nation and the cannon,
but you haven’t invented man.
Man remembers.
A world is safe for everyone
or for no one.
I don’t understand why you’re sentencing
your children to a life of exile.
Even when in their own home.
We walk through squares filled with soldiers,
anxious and anguished by the risk of attacks,
the world is becoming more and more violent
the confines are narrowing more and more.
Can’t you see that economic policies
only lead to destruction
and compromise the happiness
of those we love?
What will happen to our children
amid children who are impaired?


Translation © Matilda Colarossi

From “La Nostra civilità” (Our Civilization) by Soumaïla Diawara.

Soumaila Diawara was born on February 4, 1988 in Bamako. He has a degree in Legal Science, specializing in International Private Law. At the age of three, following his parents’ divorce, he goes to live with his paternal grandmother. During his studies in university, he becomes involved in politics and the struggle for social justice. After terminating his degree he becomes a leader of the “Solidarité Africaine pour la Démocratie et l’Indépendance” (SADI) and travels through Africa, South America, Europe, and Canada to promote the cause. Through his party, he collaborates with the Malian Party of Labour and ALNEF. In 2012 he is forced to leave Mali because he, along with others, is wrongly accused of violence against the President of the National Assembly. Like so many others before and after him, he is forced to undertake a tremendous journey across the sea on a rubber dinghy. Thanks to the Marina Militare Italiana, he reaches Italy in 2014 where he still lives today, a political refugee.

You can find the book in Italian here:

More about the author here:

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