La primavera

Grazia Deledda

L’inverno aveva rinfrescato anche
il colore delle rocce. Dai monti scendevano,
vene d’argento, mille rivoletti silenziosi,
scintillanti tra il verde vivido dell’erba.
Il torrente sussultava in fondo alla valle tra
i peschi e i mandorli fioriti, e tutto era puro,
giovane, fresco, sotto la luce argentea del cielo.


Noi siamo sardi
Noi siamo spagnoli, africani, fenici, cartaginesi, romani, arabi, pisani, bizantini, piemontesi.

Siamo le ginestre d’oro giallo che spiovono sui sentieri rocciosi come grandi lampade accese.

Siamo la solitudine selvaggia, il silenzio immenso e profondo, lo splendore del cielo, il bianco fiore del cisto.

Siamo il regno ininterrotto del lentisco, delle onde che ruscellano i graniti antichi, della rosa canina, del vento, dell’immensità del mare.

Siamo una terra di lunghi silenzi, di orizzonti ampi e puri, di piante fosche, di montagne bruciate dal sole e dalla vendetta.

Noi siamo sardi.


Grazia Deledda

Winter had refreshed even
the colour of the rocks. From the hills flowed,
silver veins, a thousand silent rivulets,
glistening among the vivid green of the grasses.
The torrent skipped below in the valley between
peach and almond blossoms, and all was pure,
young, cool, under the silvery light of the sky.


We are Sardinians
We are Spaniards, Africans, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Pisani, Byzantines, Piedmontese.

We are the golden-yellow broom that showers onto rocky trails like huge lamps ablaze.

We are the wild solitude, the immense and profound silence,
the brilliance of the sky, the white flower of the cistus.

We are the uninterrupted reign of the mastic tree, of the waves that stream over ancient granite, of the dog-rose, of the wind, of the immensity of the sea.

We are a land of long silences, of horizons vast and pure, of plants glum, of mountains burnt by the sun and vengeance.

We are Sardinians.

Translation ©Matilda Colarossi 2019

The two poems – by the poet and Nobel Prize winner, Grazie Deledda – are the last in this series of women writers in translation for #Internationalwomensday 2019.

I found them perfect, for one introduces new life, rebirth, in the awakening of spring, which is what I wish for all women today in our struggle for equality and respect; and the other celebrates a people, the Sardinians, while remembering the uncertain roots of all people. We are Sardinians, says the author, but we come from peoples from lands that coast the sea, and who occupied often very distant lands. I read in the poems an expression of hope, and oneness.

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