Giosuè Carducci: Elegia di Monte Spluga / Elegy of Mount Spluga

Picking up from last week’s post...from "For Annie" to "Elegy of Mount Spluga Elegia di Monte Spluga Giosuè Carducci No, forme non eran d'aer colorato né piantegarrule e mosse al vento: ninfe eran tutte e dee. E quale[1] iva salendo volubile e cerula comevelata emerse Teti da l'Egeo grande a Giove: e qual balzava da la palpitante scorza de'…Read more Giosuè Carducci: Elegia di Monte Spluga / Elegy of Mount Spluga

Giosuè Carducci: Ad Annie / For Annie

“As he was coming to see me, an elderly lady gave him a sprig of blue hyacinth, and with this he came to knock at my door. When I opened, he entered, and without speaking, waving that blue-green flower softly as if he were beating time to some rhythmic thought, he went to sit at…Read more Giosuè Carducci: Ad Annie / For Annie